Friday, February 15, 2008

Well, now that I'm involved in the "23 Things on a Stick" project, I've been spending a little time exploring all the cool new tools that are out there! Turns out I'm not as much of a geek as I thought I was, because I am managing to work my way down the list of "23 things" , and I'm learning more and accomplishing more than I thought I could!

Here is an image I found while scrounging around Flickr! I've discovered that Flickr is an awesome tool and I can't wait to find ways to incorporate it into our new Library 2.0 concept! This happens to be the carousel located near by the Eiffel Tower in Paris. If you haven't guessed, Paris is my most favorite city on the planet, and the next time I go to Paris I am going for a ride :)

Credits for this image go to the photographer "bratan" at

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Moving forward...

Here we are weeks later, and there are some new developments in the MRC Library! Most noticable is the brand new carpet that was put in over the Christmas break - the ugly old, dingy, worn, cut-up ratty orange carpet is gone! and in its place is lush, green carpet with a distinctive copper border. I'm quite happy with the design element I created for the rampway leading down to the main Library. Next, we need to complete the project by running new carpet all the way up the ramp... Our carpet layers are coming in next week to evlauate that last bit of work.

Also, a new look to the Library Art Gallery! The watercolor works of Keith Thompson are on display for the month of February. His work has garnered lots of attention and many request for a "price list" - so obviously folks are wanting to take home an original watercolor for their very own... and I have already picked out my favorite as well...

A busy few weeks in the MRC Library as high school Concurrent Ed classes are coming in by the busful for a Library Instructions session for their College Writing II course. These students are the cream of the crop and it is a joy to spend the day with them doing research on various topics and projects. We hope to see some of these bright faces back again next year as MRC Freshmen.

That's all for now... Stay tuned for more news updates!